Cookies and privacy policy


When you use this website, so-called cookies are stored on your computer or device. These cookies are used by program code to simplify your experience and use of the website in general, as well as specifically for special functions, such as:

• remember your choices of favorites and filters, between your visits to the website
• identify and remember your geographic location
• remember any accessibility adjustments
• anonymous registration of visit and usage statistics

If you do not accept the use of cookies, you can turn off cookies in your browser. How to do this is shown in the Help function of your browser. If you choose to delete the storage of cookies in your browser, we unfortunately cannot provide you with the user experience we strive for.


Personal data

We do not save any personal data about you when you use the website, except in special functions and forms, where we clearly inform you about the purpose and use of your personal data, before you send any information to us. Please note that when you send us an e-mail, you decide for yourself which personal data you want to provide. Information that comes to us via e-mail may be stored on our e-mail server until you request to have it removed.



The companies and organizers who publish content on the website are responsible for ensuring that texts, images, illustrations and the like as well as any linked information do not constitute a crime or conflict with the rights of third parties such as copyright, trademarks or other intellectual property rights, or any other rights belonging to third parties MAN.

This means that the content must be cleared with respect to all rights holders and that it must not be encumbered with any rights belonging to third parties. The responsibility includes consent regarding the handling of personal data.


How to report inappropriate content

If you consider that any content on the website is inappropriate, offends or violates any rights, you are welcome to report this to We are grateful if your report includes a link to the page on which you found the inappropriate content.

Basetool AB saves your e-mail address in order to be able to get back to you if necessary, but never shares any personal data with third parties. You who submit a report will therefore be anonymous in relation to the person responsible for the content.